1. The following signs may be cause for concern when they occur regularly:
a. Withdrawal from the group
b. Persistent low mood or frequent pessimistic remarks
c. Numerous or recurring physical complaints (e.g., headaches, stomach issues, fatigue)
d. Trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
e. Increased irritability
f. Reports of sleep issues (e.g., insomnia, oversleeping, fatigue)
g. Changes in personal hygiene, especially neglect
h. Suicidal thoughts, comments, or behaviors
i. Frequent worrying
j. Difficulty relaxing
k. Heightened sensitivity to stimuli (e.g., light, smells, sounds)
l. Loss of interest in work, colleagues, or enjoyable activities outside of work
m. Suspicion or paranoia
n. Unusual or abnormal behavior
o. Reports of significant appetite changes (increase or decrease)
p. Sudden or drastic mood swings
q. Substance abuse