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Family & Friends of OSI

OSI-CAN provides peer groups that aid in the recovery and resiliency of the family as a whole. At times, adult family and friends of those affected by Operational Stress Injuries (OSIs) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) often may be seeking or require connections and resources of their own. 

Group meetings are currently available via Zoom ... 

If you need help or to receive a Zoom meeting invite, Email: 

or contact Colli at 306-716-9128, texting works best.


OSI/PTSI can occur when a person directly experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. It can also happen with repeated exposure to traumatic events and details as with OSICAN’s target group; military, first responders, 911 dispatchers, corrections, tow truck drivers, all public safety personnel.

Being the caregiver or support for someone with OSI sometimes means facing battles of your own. Feelings of isolation, lack of support or understanding are common traits often shared among family members.


“The spouse or partner of the person with OSI (Operational Stress Injury) is usually the first one to notice a difference in their behaviour or changes in attitude. It is important for them to understand what their loved one is going through, of course, but the most important is for them to get the support they need. This has been a huge missing piece so far. We help give the tools necessary for the self-care they need while being of assistance in the recovery of their loved ones with OSI.”


– Julius Brown, Provincial Director for OSI-CAN




We offer understanding, hope, knowledge, strength and encouragement.



OSI-CAN Target Demographic

The target demographic of OSI-CAN are but are not limited to: former and serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Allied Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Frontline Protectors --- Municipal Police Services, CN Police Services, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Protection Services, Wildland Firefighters, Hospital Trauma personnel, Nurses, Healthcare Workers, Crown Prosecutors, Social Workers, Animal Control Officers, Coroners, Indigenous Emergency Management, Victim Services Personnel, Emergency Communications Specialist, Crisis Management Workers (such as Mobile Crisis, etc), Corrections Officers, Youth Workers, Youth Corrections Workers, “Volunteer” First Responders, Conservation Officers, Tow Truck drivers, and private sector First Responders.  Persons who in the performance of their jobs are exposed to criminal acts of Trauma. We also provide supports to the spouses and significant others of those exposed to such trauma.  This demographic was chosen due to the commonality of experiences they share through the service they provide to the country and community. We have a special interest and support volunteer first responders as they may not have proper access to support.
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